Cloud Computing Brings Savings on Office Space for Companies

Cloud Computing newsRackSpace Hosting carried out a survey on the impacts of Cloud Computing, called Cloud Computing: state of Play”.  The survey showed that workplaces are becoming more flexible with users of a wide range of devices such as laptops, netbooks, tablets and smartphones being able to work seamlessly in a cloud environment. The survey also showed that companies are saving substantially on space since they no longer have to dedicate spaces exclusively for desktop PCs.The survey showed that three-quarters of the company welcomed cloud computing since it enabled remote usability and savings of over $ 250000 each year on office space. The major beneficiaries in terms of savings on office space were enterprise level organizations that perforce had to have a large number of systems.

The report also showed that cloud computing enabled sophisticated work methods and improved business possibilities, since companies can now have employees in any part of the globe, stay connected and integrate seamlessly. Of the employers surveyed 17% said that they did not have demands on their hands from employees for mobile devices. 42% of those surveyed stated that employees preferred using their own tablets or smartphones. In another segment 56% of the employees expected the company to pay for internet and other service usage though they used their own personal devices for company work. The survey reinforces findings from other sources that cloud computing as well as mobility are driving forces behind IT solutions and utilization this year and for the future.

Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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