The phrase “cloud computing” is read each day more often, not only in specialist publications dedicated to information technology but also in newspapers and magazines, it is also being present also in radio and TV programs, as well as of course on the Internet.
But How Do You Define This Term?
Cloud computing is a computing system based on the use of the Internet through which remote data centers managed information services, applications or programs. Cloud computing allows individuals and companies to manage files and use applications without being installed on the hard drives on any computer with Internet access. This technology offers, in theory, a much more efficient use of resources such as storage, memory, processing and bandwidth use by providing only the necessary resources to operate at all times.
Cloud computing means, You can able to move data in both directions from file servers located on the network IP addresses of networks with high reliability and fast enough data transfer. By using this option, the information is stored at a remote site, thus forcing connect to it whenever you need to use the data stored in the cloud. The operating speed of the communication system then determines the data transfer rate from the remote server used by this technology.
Here once again intervenes bandwidth availability, as expected. No doubt about the dangers of employing this system, primarily because the data stored are doubly exposed to a variety of malicious actions, ranging from information theft until the introduction of malware to monitor the computer’s performance.
Important information you need to know about the what are the dangers of cloud computing,
For many users computer systems is still a secret and many malicious computer programs, such as those known as keyboard recorders also called Keyboard Loggers, whose goal is to blow when recording started and as each key is pressed, storing this information in a data file open secret in the machine itself, and then sending an email with all that data to the cyber criminals.
In another variant, the malicious program saves the data in a file that is accessed remotely without the computer owner realizes that the information is on its way into cyberspace. With these keyboards pulse recorders associated with storage and communication programs have been fraudulently obtained millions of dollars through criminal manipulation of accessing passwords for bank accounts, obtaining these results, without employing the so-called storage in the cloud .
Let’s take a practical example to understand the cloud,
A simple example of cloud computing is the system of electronic documents and applications known as Google Docs / Google Apps. To use it one has no need to install any software or have a server, just a fast and reliable Internet connection is enough to use any of their services.
The server and management software in the cloud is in total control by Google and all intelligence agencies of the U.S. government to which Google, like other suppliers, is required to submit copies of everything stored. All data are directly managed by the service provider, i.e. Google. Thus, it is much simpler for the consumer to enjoy the benefits associated with cloud computing, of course with all the risks mentioned above.
Information technology thus becomes one of service, which is consumed in the same way we consume electricity or water in our homes. It is clear that the latest revelations about the existence of complex electronic spying programs called PRISM by National Security Agency, NSA, the United States is doing confirmed by Computer expert Edward Snowden of PRISM sniffs traffic on computer networks. He reveals fee secret about NSA which functions performing automated analysis of connections as well as point, most especially, to all the movement of information to and from the cloud.
But all is not lost, many network administrators of medium and large size, are taking advantage of the technology object. Computing in the cloud that is, applying the use of servers in the network itself, without leaving all to surf the Internet. Giving a good backup to those servers, providing them with data protection through redundancy, and applying the techniques like mirroring, it is clear that cloud server can be very beneficial to simplify work and play a similar role which today play called thin clients.
For unsuspecting users still using cloud computing without implementing a long and complex list of protective measures, a black storm cloud able to bring down all services and facilitate the theft of vital data for the entity. A Small research on provider can help you to save your data from any intruder attack.
Image courtesy of nokhoog_buchachon at