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How To Run A Cloud Server
When you need to set up a server, the process can be complex and frustrating without guidance: there are many types of server package, with a different acronym for each. Even ...

Corporate Life In The Cloud
Photo Credit: Dave Dugdale
The single most predominant force controlling the economic world today is information. Data has the power to bring business success or failure, depending ...

NSA Revelations Impact On Cloud Computing Adoption
A recent report made by the Guardian revealed some disconcerting news that has a number of people concerned about their privacy especially related to technology like cloud computing. ...

4 Real Benefits Of Cloud Computing For Your Business
Whether you are using a virtualized data center or the services of a third party, there is a big case for making cloud computing a big part of your business infrastructure. And while ...
Using Cloud Computing For Customer Relationship Management Systems
Save time and money on the cloud
Cloud computing has been a buzz phrase for some time now, and clued up companies are beginning to understand the benefits the cloud offers for their ...

Cloud Computing In The Charity Sector
Image by Connetu
Few sectors have been harder hit by the sluggish UK economy than the Charity sector. The Charity Forecast Report published by the NCVO (National Council for Voluntary ...

Texting 911 And Calling A ‘Cloud’: What Is The Future Of Emergency Call Centers?
Emergency call centers haven’t changed much in 35 years, but now with advancing technology that is all about to change. Dialling 911 might never be quite the same again.
In an emergency, ...
Buzzing In: What Will The 2014 Domain Name Buzzword Be?
So far, throughout 2013’s endless months that have swiftly passed, the word on the block seems to be ‘cloud’ computing, and the amazing wonders it does for on-the-go retrieval ...